Thursday, September 30, 2010


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这么久了, 我才知道人会累。。
累的时候, 什么都会想。。
原来, 还有很多的原来。。
最近, 很放肆自己。。
不做功课时, 就看看戏, 听听歌。。
也许, 是时候去走走看看一趟。。

Saturday, September 25, 2010

闷闷的心, 我想家呢。。

Google Image

[当你紧握你的双手,里面其实什么都没有; 但当你打开双手,世界就在你手中,
舍得舍得, 有舍才有得;
得失得失, 有得就有失;
学问学问, 有问才有学。]

这几句话, 很有意思, 看到时, 就想把它劳劳记在脑里。。
最后一句 [学问学问, 有问才有学] 是我妈教我的。。
这句话是我要进大学前, 我妈送给我的话。。
也许,她担心我不愿与其他人相处, 所以送我的。。

这几天, 时间有点慢, 好像过了几年一样。。好慢好慢。。
回来了几天, 还是想家得很。。
尤其是星期二那天, 因为是中秋节。。
没去看外头的月亮, 也许是圆圆大大的吧。。
想家得很, 虽然那天大家聚在一块吃饭了。。
想起了外婆, 没了外婆, 大家今年也没聚在一块提灯笼了。。
大家都跑到广场去了, 外公和大舅则去了佛堂那里。。
今夜的乡愁特别深, 也特别多啊。。
心里头闷闷的, 真想立刻回家。。

还有五个星期, 又进入Study Week 了。。
也许得找个时间和朋友走走看看, 放松一下心情。。
没关系, 很快就过的。。
明年读完, 不读了呢。。

加油加油, 打气打气。。

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Support Super Junior~From now on~

From Baidu

From now on, i will support Super Junior Forever~
Sorry Sorry" because might be i am too late to be an ELF~
I know, there are "
No Others" like them~
Let's not" believe the others when they mention the bad things about them..
I know they are all sincerely as when they sing the song "
Marry You"..
The day when you mention that "
I am your man"..
They are "
A Man In Love", whose falling in love with ELF~
They are 13 people forever, and show us the meaning of "
One Love"..
They are just like the "
Shining Star" on the dark sky..
And make them shining all the time..
Many people will think about the question "
What If"..
What If" some of them get into army, and so on..
Many poeple will shout one "
Don't Don"..
It might be like a "
Earthquake" which broke a lots of people heart..
But dun worry, everyone..
13 people of them is just like "
Twins", which will never break up easily..
They got telepathy, which connect among themselves..
They still got "
Sapphire Blue", whose gonna support them forever..
Because they are the "
Angela" which come from the world of music..
They are "
Run to You" and show you the meaning of "Beautiful" in this world..

Your Eyes" are so attractive, and cause me having "Insomia"..
It is just like you have been "
Drip Drip Drip" into my heart..
And make my "
Boom Boom" all the time when i see you..
I know, "
It's You" and "No Others" but "U"..
I know, your are all "
Good Person", and that is "Why I Like You"..
From the first day, i know you..
I know, "
In my Dream", "My All Is In You"..
And "
Here We Go", Let us "Shake it Up"..
Dancing out" of the edge, Have a "Pajama Party"..And let us "Rock This House"..
It is a "
Carnival" for us..

Let us "
Happy Together", and it is will be not "A Short Journey"..
It is not a "
Miracle", and this is not the "Good Luck"..
They are all "Superman", come to this world and make us love them...
I wanna be your "
My only Girl" and "I Wanna Hold You" in my heart..
And deep into my "Soul"..
It is just like "
Bonamana", i like "Your Eyes"..
The day when the "
Happy Bubble" are flying all over the sky..
The scenery is perfect when the bubble flying through the "
One Fine Spring Day"..

Super Junior, you are just like the represent of "
Seoul Song" and "Victory Korea"..
Dun forget that ELF is the "
Club No 1" of your all..
Dun forget to "
Show me your love" and "Keep In Touch"..
Our Super Junior will never "
Over", "So I" "Believe" that this is "L.O.V.E"..
ELF, let us show the "
Way for love" to others..
Let us make the "Miracle" happen in this world..
i dun want to make the love to Super Junior is only "
Seven Years of Love", i wanna be forever..
This love will never "
Dead At Heart", but it gonna be deep into my heart...
There is no question about "Who Am I", but you all are Super Junior..
You guys are all ELFs' "Baby Baby" and "Honey"..
Like the song "It Has To Be You"..

Super Junior, i gonna be your "Super Girl" and support you forever...
And this love will never been "Reset"...

This article is composed by using the song title from Super Junior...
This is a nice article and some of the song title didn't been used..
ELF, fighting~13 forever~

Monday, September 6, 2010


(Google Image)
也许, 有的人到现在还不明白什么是
拥有, 有时可以是最简单的。。
有时, 静静的走在路上, 那也是拥有。。
拥有, 并不是拥有世上最好的才是最好的。。
拥有, 也可以是别人所没有的回忆。。
所以, 现在开始要珍惜所拥有的就好。。

今天, 是回到家的第三天。。
心情, 还是快乐的, 轻松的。。
可以暂时忘掉烦恼, 功课的烦恼。。
在家看看电视, 上上网, 心情就是好。。
跟爸妈聊天, 跟姐妹聊天, 心情就是好。。
